Your people may have all the expertise in the world but, if they’re not motivated, it’s unlikely that they’ll achieve their true potential. On the other hand, work seems easy when people are motivated. Motivated people have a positive outlook, they’re excited about what they’re doing, and they know that they’re investing their time in something that’s truly worthwhile. In short, motivated people enjoy their jobs and perform well.
All effective leaders want their organizations to be filled with people in this state of mind. That’s why it’s vital that you, as a leader and manager, keep your team feeling motivated and inspired. But of course, this can be easier said than done!
Types of Motivation
There are two main types of motivation – extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic motivation is when you use external factors to encourage your team to do what you want. Pay raises, time off, bonus checks, and the threat of job loss are all extrinsic motivators – some positive, some less so.
Intrinsic motivation is internal. It’s about having a personal desire to overcome a challenge, to produce high-quality work, or to interact with team members you like and trust. Intrinsically motivated people get a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment from what they do.
Every team member is different, and will likely have different motivators. So, it’s important to get to know your people, discover what motivates them, and find a good mixture of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, so that you can motivate them successfully.
Motivation in the Workplace
You can’t directly control a person’s interest in his or her job. Of course, an individual does have some responsibility for motivating himself, but you can encourage that process by creating an environment that helps him to become more intrinsically motivated. Individuals, teams and even whole organizations can reap the rewards.
Motivated people are highly adaptable, particularly when it comes to change, and they have a positive attitude at work. They help to spread an organization’s good reputation, reduce rates of absenteeism, and improve performance and profit. They also work hard to achieve their goals, and work with a greater sense of urgency than unmotivated people.
Motivation in Management
As a manager, you can use the following steps and strategies to create a motivating environment for your team.
Step 1: Check Your Assumptions
You may not realize it, but your management style is strongly influenced by what you believe about your people. For example, do you think your team members dislike working, and need continuous supervision? Or, do you believe that they’re happy to do their jobs, and are likely to enjoy greater responsibility and freedom? These two fundamental beliefs form the backbone of the team motivation concept Theory X and Theory Y.
Theory X managers are authoritarian, and assume that they need to supervise people constantly. They believe that their team members don’t want or need responsibility, and that they have to motivate people extrinsically to produce results.
Theory Y managers believe that their team members want more responsibility and should help make decisions. They assume that everyone has something valuable to offer.
In short, your beliefs about your team members’ motivation affect the way you behave toward them. So, it’s important to think carefully about how you view your people, and to explore what you believe truly motivates them. (It can help to think about it from your own perspective – would you prefer your own boss to manage you using Theory X or Theory Y? And how long would you stay working for a Theory X manager?)
Step 2: Eliminate Dissatisfaction and Create Satisfaction
Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg said that you can motivate your team by eliminating elements of job dissatisfaction, and then creating conditions for job satisfaction.
In his Motivation-Hygiene Theory, he noted how causes of dissatisfaction often arise from irritating company policies, intrusive supervision, or lack of job security, among others. If you don’t address these issues, people won’t be satisfied at work, and motivating them will prove difficult, if not impossible.
Once you’ve removed the elements of job dissatisfaction, you can look at providing satisfaction. Sources of job satisfaction include clear opportunities for advancement/promotion, an increased sense of responsibility, ongoing training and development programs, or simply a feeling of working with purpose.
Step 3: Personalize Your Motivational Approach
Remember, your team is made up of individuals who have their own unique circumstances, backgrounds and experiences. Consequently, each person may be driven by different motivating factors, and be more or less adept at self-motivation. When you make an effort to understand each team member, you can help them stay motivated. There are a number of tools and strategies that you can use to tailor your approach to motivation – and not all are completely consistent with one another. However, it’s important to remember that every individual and situation is different, so make sure that you choose the theory or model that best fits your circumstances.
Step 4: Use Transformational Leadership
Motivation is vital in the workplace, but this will only take you so far, and then leadership takes over. Once you’ve used the motivational approaches we’ve discussed above, you need to take the next step towards becoming an inspirational, transformational leader. When you adopt this leadership style, you can motivate and lift your team to new heights, and help it to achieve extraordinary things.
Transformational leaders expect great things from their team members, and they spark feelings of trust and loyalty in return. To become a transformational leader, you need to create an attractive, inspiring vision of a meaningful future, encourage people to buy into this vision, manage its delivery, and continue to build trusting relationships with your team members. Set aside time to develop your own leadership skills, and focus on your own personal development, so that you can become an inspiring role model or your people.